Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How to Get Six Pack Abs Overnight

How to Get Six Pack Abs Overnight

You can get flat abs quickly by diligently working out everyday.
Knowing how to get six pack abs will help you look good in a bathing suit. It is not impossible no matter how big your spare tire has gotten. You can start eating healthy, eating protein, drinking water and working out everyday. Your abdominal muscles will start looking good in no time.

**Get Motivated**
Get yourself motivated by creating a goal for yourself. If your goal is to be healthy or look good, cut out a picture of what you want your abs to look like. Post it on your refrigerator where you can see it everyday.

**Start Pumping Iron**
Buy a set of dumbbells so that you can workout at home or join a gym. Work out with your dumbbells three days per week. On the other four days a week you can do other muscle building workouts such as sit ups, push ups, planks, pull ups, squats, lunges, and leg lifts. Never workout the same muscle group two days in a row.

**Get Moving**
Take a walk right now. Walk everyday for a good cardiovascular workout. Increase your workout everyday until you are walking a minimum of 60 minutes per day. If you eat a heavy or fattening meal, walk immediately after wards.

**Eat More Protein**
Eat more protein everyday to help build more muscles.
Muscles burn more fat and calories. If you want to lose weight and get the flat abs that you have been dreaming about, you need to build more muscle.
To get flat abs, you need to lose weight all over your body. Muscles will burn fat even when you are sleeping to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

**Drink Water**
Drink at least twelve glasses of water everyday. Do not drink your water all at once, spread it out throughout your day. You can drink other liquids if you want to, but do not count them as your daily water intake.
Knowing how to get six pack abs will help you get back into your favorite jeans.

**Eat Healthier**
Eat a healthier meal plan each day. The healthiest way to eat is to eat six small meals spread evenly throughout your day. Eat your first meal at 6:00am. Eat a meal every three hours of 250 to 300 calories, made up of only very healthy ingredients such as whole grains, vegetables, fruit, lean meats such as turkey, yogurt, nuts, seeds and olive oil.

If you want more information on how to get six pack abs please keep reading this blog.

How to Get Acai Berry Benefits

How to Get Acai Berry Benefits

Get the benefits of acai berry by drinking acai berry juice, taking acai berry supplements or eating freeze dried acai berries. If you are lucky enough to live in an area where you can get fresh acai berries you can eat and enjoy them fresh. Acai berries grow on an acai tree mostly in South America and other tropical areas near the equator.

FRESH - Eat fresh acai berries if you live in an area where you can buy them fresh. The acai berry tree grows in areas near the equator. It can be found in South American countries and other tropical areas.
It is the least expensive and tastes the best if you can eat it fresh.

JUICE - Drink acai berry juice if you can find it in your area. It is expensive but worth it. The flavor is divine and the benefits are numerous.

Acai berry juice is a super food that is packed with nutritional value. It is high in antioxidants which help your body fight off free radicals in your system that cause diseases.
Acai berry juice also has naturally fat burning properties, boosts metabolism and gives you more energy.

FREEZE DRIED - Buy freeze dried acai berries whenever you can find them. The freeze dried acai berries are delicious and very nutritious.

Knowing how to get acai berry benefits will help you lose weight and have more energy.

SUPPLEMENTS - Take acai berry supplements if you are unable to consume them another way. Acai berry supplements will give you the benefits of drinking acai juice or eating acai berries.

Knowing how to get acai berry benefits will help you fight off disease.

How to Lose 48 Pounds Using 1 Rule

How to Lose 48 Pounds Using 1 Rule

You can lose weight if you really want to lose it.

Having you been wondering how to lose weight easily? You can lose all the weight you want to lose using just one rule. If you follow this rule, you will lose weight. Of course, it would not hurt to use known successful practices to help your weight loss materialize faster.

One Rule
Remind yourself of your goal constantly.
Find pictures that represent your goal. The pictures should also be something that you enjoy looking at. You may want to cut out a picture of a cute behind that is exactly what you want to have or a set of six pack abs.

Display the photos where you will have to look at them a lot. Display them on your refrigerator. On the dashboard of your car and on the inside of your front door, so that it motivates you when you are leaving for your walk.

Follow the Rule
Keep your eye on your reward. If you can keep yourself focused on your weight loss goals, you will be able to reach them before you know it.
Your desire to reach your goals will overwhelm your desire to eat poorly and not exercise. You will start to see that doughnut in your hand as cellulite on your thighs. You will begin to enjoy walking and burning off calories and fat.

Before you know it, you will take control of your thoughts and focus them on what is important: your health.

Knowing how to lose 48 pounds using one rule will help you get the body that you have been dreaming about.

Help Yourself Be Successful
Eat healthy and exercise as much as you possibly can to realize your goals faster.
Don't think of yourself as dieting, just think of yourself as eating well. Fill your kitchen and refrigerator with fresh fruits and vegetables so that you are prepared to pamper yourself with good food.

Don't worry about exercise. Incorporate exercise naturally into your daily schedule so that you do not feel like you are exercising or over exerting yourself. Walk everyday after one of your meals for at least one half hour. You can also play sports, lift weights, roller skate or do other physical activities that you enjoy and can do easily.

If you need more information on how to lose weight using 1 rule please keep reading this blog.

How to Drink an Acai Berry Diet for Weight Loss

How to Drink an Acai Berry Diet for Weight Loss

Acai berry juice is highly nutritious and always delicious.
Learn how to drink an acai berry diet for weight loss and get down to your goal weight fast. Acai berry juice is not only a super food that is packed with nutrition, but it also tastes great and will increase your metabolism and energy. Because it is not native to North America, it is best if purchased in juice form, freeze dried or as a supplement.

Drink a half cup of acai berry juice before eating a healthy mini breakfast.
Eat foods such as eggs, turkey, vegetables and fruit. Do not consume more than 250 calories for each of your six mini meals.
The acai berry juice will help fill you up so that you will feel full.

Drink acai berry juice, eat freeze dried acai berries or take acai berry supplements before your morning snack. You can also make acai shakes and other foods using acai berries.
Eat foods such as vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, yogurt or lean meats for all of your meals.

Drink acai berry juice or eat freeze dried berries before your mini lunch meal.
You will not feel hungry all day if you eat every three hours. Make sure that you do not eat too much at each meal. It is also crucial that you eat healthy foods for each meal.

Eat acai berries or drink acai berry juice before your afternoon snack.
Make sure that you also consume enough water in your day. You should be drinking at least twelve glasses of water each day, spread throughout your day.
Knowing how to drink an acai berry diet to lose weight will help you trim down quickly.

Take an acai berry supplement or make yourself an acai berry milkshake for your afternoon snack. Make sure you stay within your 250 allotted calories for each meal and snack.
Acai berries are packed with nutrition and therefore considered a super food. Not only will they help you lose weight, but they will also protect you from diseases and give you an energy boost. You will notice it shortly after your drink a glass.

Eat your final snack of the day. All this eating will keep you full all day long.

If you need more information on how to drink an acai berry diet for weight loss please keep reading this blog.

How to Burn Stomach Fat Overnight

How to Burn Stomach Fat Overnight

Have you been wondering how to burn stomach fat overnight? There are many things that you can do to keep your metabolism high and burn fat even when you are sleeping. Begin a new and healthy routine today to help get rid of that belly fat once and for all.

Build Muscle
Do weight bearing exercises three to five days per week to build muscle. Muscle is a natural fat burner. If you have more muscles, your body will burn more fat and calories even while you are sleeping.

You can trim the fat around your stomach and make yourself healthier by exercising everyday. Exercise does not need to be strenuous, simply walking everyday will give you all of the health benefits without exhausting you.

To increase your bat burning, you should also lift weights to build muscle. Muscle burns fat twenty four hours a day even when you are not working out.

Please look below in the Resources section for more information on how to burn stomach fat.

Eat to Burn Stomach Fat
Eat certain foods that help your body process food better and increase your metabolism to burn more fat. Eat hot and spicy foods such as peppers. Eat high fiber foods such as steel cut oats and plenty of vegetables.

Eat mostly vegetables with each meal. Every meal should be 50% vegetables, 25% fruit and 25% whole grains. Eating healthy will help you to lose the weight you need to lose in order to reduce your belly. As you lose weight, you will lose it evenly all over your body, not just on your stomach.

Knowing how to burn stomach fat fast can help you get into the bikini of your dreams.

Drink Iced Water
Drink twelve glasses of water everyday. Drink your water iced for extra fat burning properties. Your body will need to bring the water up to ambient temperature which burns more fat in the process.

You can also drink your other beverages either iced cold in warmer weather or hot in colder weather for additional fat burning. Drinks such as coffee and tea are easy to change for each season. Your body will be required to warm up your drink or cool it down to your body temperature and therefore burn more fat and calories.

If you want more information on how to burn stomach fat fast, please keep reading this blog.

Burn More Fat Drinking Green Tea Often

Burn More Fat Drinking Green Tea Often

Green tea has natural properties that help the body to burn fat.
If you want to lose weight then you need to know how to burn more fat using green tea. Green tea is an easy way to burn fat and calories to lose the want you want. It is safe to drink and strengthens the immune systems of your body.

Drink green tea every day to benefit from its powerful catechins and flavonoids that help your body burn fat and protects your body from free radicals that can damage cells and cause cancer.
Drink at five to ten glasses of green tea per day. The more you are able to drink, the more fat burning and immunity protection you will receive.
Drink at least one glass of green tea when you wake up in the morning.
Look below in the Resources section to find more information on green tea.

Before Breakfast
Drink one to two glasses of green tea before you eat breakfast.
Not only will you benefit from the fat burning properties, but it will also help your stomach to feel full so that you will eat less.

Before Lunch
Drink one to two glasses of green tea before you eat lunch.

You still need to drink just as much water as you would normally drink. About eight to ten glasses of water per day. Do not count your tea drinking as your water intake. Do not count other drinks such as soda or coffee as your water intake.

Before Dinner
Drink one to two glasses of green tea before dinner. It will help your body feel full, digest your food better and increase your metabolism.

Knowing how to burn more fat using green tea will help you to lose the weight you need to lose fast.

After Dinner
Drink one to two glasses of green tea after you eat dinner, but before 6:00pm in the evening. Do not drink green tea too late at night, some brands do have caffeine in them, check on the package.

If you want more information on how to burn more fat using green tea, please keep reading this blog.

How to Eat for Better Sex

How to Eat for Better Sex

Certain foods are known aphrodisiacs.

Eat healthy foods before sex to boost your sex drive. Knowing how to eat for better sex can help you boost your sex life. Certain foods, which also are extremely healthy in other ways, are natural aphrodisiacs and will improve your mood in the bedroom and your pleasure.


Eat the ultimate aphrodisiac, chocolate. Everyone loves chocolate and it plays upon your deepest desires to make them stronger and attract your mate.

Nothing creates more sexual desire in a bedroom than some chocolate, try it in a liquid form and add some whipped cream for even more fun.

Don't forget to eat some before heading to the bedroom, so your mind, body and soul are ready for pleasure.


Eat walnuts to increase your sex drive. Walnuts contain a healthy fat which causes good cholesterol. Your body needs cholesterol for your sex hormones.

Walnuts are also good for your heart and your brain, both of which are need for a great night of sex. You need to keep your heart strong and your brain sharp to have great sex on a regular basis.

Eat walnuts and feed them to your spouse.

Walnuts are also a super food and are packed with health benefits and nutrition.


Eat figs everyday for some extra power attracting your mate. Figs have been used for thousands of years as a natural aphrodisiac and symbol of sex. Figs have a natural power of seduction that works for both men and women. Drizzle them with chocolate sauce and whipped cream.

Avoid cherries and raw garlic before you head to the bedroom. Cherries turn women off and garlic turns everyone off.

If you want to spice up your sex life, you need to know how to eat for better sex.

Eat avocados everyday even if you are not gearing up for some bed time fun. Avocados are a super food that is packed with nutrition including vitamin B6. B6 is necessary for healthy testosterone production.

Avocados are full of healthy fats and are known as one of the healthiest foods to eat. Incorporate them into your diet on your salads, in sushi, and as a garnishment for your favorite pasta.

If you need more information on how to eat for better sex, please keep reading this blog.

How to Get A Flat Stomach Today

How to Get A Flat Stomach Today

Start your routine for a flat stomach today.

If you need to get rid of your spare tire, you need to know how to get a flat stomach today. You can start working on your flat stomach and you will have one in no time. Belly fat looks gross, so trim your belly today.

Begin a new exercise routine which requires you to workout everyday for at least sixty minutes. If you want great abs you will need to work for them everyday.
Look below in the Resources section if you need more information on fabulous abs.

Workout your abdominal muscles everyday.

Do crunches every day. Do sets of ten and then work up to doing ten sets, so that you are doing 100 crunches per day.

Tighten your abdominal muscles whenever you think of it. You can tighten and hold them throughout your day to burn extra calories to work off that belly fat.
You need to build up your abdominal muscles so that they are burning extra fat for you everyday. Muscles burns much more energy than other parts of the body. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn each day.

Drink at least twelve glasses of water per day. Your body requires eight (eight ounce) glasses of water per day for every one thousand calories that you consume.
If you eat about 1,500 calories in a day, you should drink twelve glasses of water per day.
Without water your body cannot function properly. Water flushes out toxins and fats out of your system.

Drink at least four glasses of green tea per day. Green tea helps you burn more fat so that you get rid of your belly fat faster. It can also help you feel full so that you eat less, not to mention all of the antioxidants that it contains to combat diseases.

Knowing how to get a flat stomach today will help you get the body that you have always wanted.

Stop eating and drinking foods and drinks that are bad for your body and contribute to stomach fat such as soda, junk food, fast food and packaged foods.
Foods of poor nutritional value are bad for your health, make you fat and do not give your body the nutrition that it needs.

If you want more information about how to get a flat stomach today please keep reading this blog.

How to Eat Acai Berries to Lose Weight

How to Eat Acai Berries to Lose Weight

Acai berries have many health benefits including fat burning properties.

Acai berries are packed with antioxidants and other health benefits. If you need to watch your waistline you should know how to eat acai berries to lose weight. Acai berries taste great and can be used in many drinks, shakes or recipes. Enjoy your weight loss for the first time by eating acai berries every day.

Eat acai berries before each meal to curb your appetite. You can purchase acai berries in a freeze dried form, supplement form or as a juice. It tastes great any way you eat it.
If you drink acai berry juice it helps to curb your appetite even more. You will eat less at meal time because your appetite will be suppressed. Juices of all kinds are great appetite suppressants, but acai berry juice also gives you the power of antioxidants, an energy boost and other health benefits, what other juice does all of that?

Eat or drink acai berry juice as soon as you get up in the morning and before each meal throughout your day. Every time you eat or drink acai berries or acai berry juice, you will feel full longer.

You will eat less at each meal, which will naturally help you to lose weight.
Knowing how to eat acai berries to lose weight will help you to get that bikini body that you have always dreamed of.

Eat acai berries or drink acai berry juice to give yourself a natural energy boost. Acai berries have natural properties that give you more energy.

You will notice the energy boost within minutes of consuming acai berries. They are delicious and easy to eat. The fact that acai berries are good for your and help you lose weight is a bonus.
Stop feeling tired all the time. Eat acai berries every morning to start you day right and get the momentum you need to make it through your day.

Drink acai berry juice or eat acai berries every day to raise your metabolism. Acai berries have natural properties that speed up your metabolism which helps you to burn more calories and fat.
The more calories and fat that your body burns, the more weight you will lose. Eat and drink something that tastes terrific and helps you lose weight.

If you want more information on how to eat acai berries to lose weight please keep reading this blog.

How to Have the Best Sex Ever With Your Husband

How to Have the Best Sex Ever With Your Husband

Be your husbands girlfriend in and out of the bedroom.

Have you been wondering how to have the best sex ever with your husband? If you have been waiting to spice up your sex life now is the time. It takes very little effort fire things up for your husband. It takes more work to turn up your volume, but you can do it easily because it is all in your head.

LOVEMAKING 101 - Get back to the basics in bed. Be tender, loving, kind and gentle.
Bring the romance back taking the time to snuggle first and after.
Look below in the Resources section to find more information on how to spice things up in the bedroom.

PAMPER - Pamper your man by giving him a massage before.
Knowing how to have the best sex ever with your husband will help to improve your relationship.

FANTASIZE - Dream about your favorite fantasy before you even enter the bedroom to get yourself warmed up.

If you need more information on how to have the best sex ever with your husband please keep reading this health blog.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite Naturally

How to Get Rid of Cellulite Naturally

Learn how to get rid of cellulite naturally and get your body back. Cellulite can make you older and heavier than you actually are. It looks gross and most people want to reduce it or get rid of it. Take the time to work on your cellulite today and you will be rid of it tomorrow.

LOSE WEIGHT - Start a weight loss regime to lose the weight you need to lose. The proper weight for most adults is the same weight that you weighed when you graduated from high school. You should weigh no more than fifteen pounds more than you did when you were eighteen years old.

Losing weight will significantly reduce the look of your cellulite.

MASSAGE WITH LOTION - Massage lotion into your cellulite each day. The kind of lotion does not matter as much as the act of massaging matters. Rubbing your skin will reduce your cellulite significantly.

REDUCE SALT INTAKE - Reduce or eliminate the amount of salt that you consume each day. Read the labels of the products that you eat so that you know how much sodium you are consuming.

Salt makes your body retain more water. The water is store in your fat cells and contributes to the look of cellulite. If you reduce or eliminate your salt intake, your body will retain less water. You will still get plenty of sodium for products that naturally contain sodium and products with sodium. There is no need for you to add additional salt to foods.

EAT HEALTHY - Eat healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meats everyday. Each meal should consist of fifty percent vegetables, twenty five percent whole grains and twenty five percent lean meats. Eat snacks in between meal that are healthy.
Eliminate all low nutrition foods out of your life.

Knowing how to get rid of cellulite naturally will help you get the smoothest legs.

DRINK WATER - Drink plenty of water everyday to keep your fat cells flushed out and to prevent retaining too much water. If you do not drink water your body naturally thinks that it needs to conserve water. Your body will then begin retaining water.

If you do not drink enough water you will also start to dehydrate which is very dangerous. Drink eight (eight) ounce glasses of water each day.

If you want to know more about how to get rid of cellulite naturally please read more of this blog.

How to Use Green Tea for Fat Burning

How to Use Green Tea for Fat Burning

Green tea has many health and weight loss properties, but the most exciting aspect of green tea is it's natural fat burning property. There are many products on the market that claim to burn fat and some of them work better than others. The problem with many of these products is that they are not healthy and have many negative side affects. Green tea, on the other hand is extremely healthy to drink and has many healthy benefits including disease prevention, fat burning and weight loss. It is difficult to drink the amount of green tea needed for optimal health benefits and it is almost impossible to drink too much.

DRINK GREEN TEA - Drink at least five (eight ounce) cups of green tea per day. If you are drinking tea for longevity also, you may want to increase the amount to ten cups of green tea per day. It will not be easy for you to drink five cups per day, but it is worth trying.

Not only will the green tea help you to burn more fat, but it will also help you to feel full so that you do not eat as much during each meal.

Drink one glass of green tea in the morning.

Drink one glass of green tea before breakfast.

Drink one glass of green tea before lunch.

Drink one glass of green tea before dinner.

Drink one glass of green tea after dinner.

Do not drink green tea too late in the evening. Finish your dinner prior to 6:00pm. Drink your after dinner green tea at 6:00pm.

DRINK IT HOT - Drink your cups of green tea hot when the weather is cool, cold or freezing. Drinking your tea the opposite temperature of the weather will give you an added fat burning boost. Your body will cool down the temperature of the liquid and burn more calories doing so.
It is imperative that you continue to drink at least eight (eight ounce) glasses of water each day in addition to drinking green tea. Do not count any other liquid as your water intake. Milk, coffee, tea, soda and other liquids never count at all towards your water intake. They all have dehydrating effects which counteract any water benefits that they contain.

Knowing how to use green tea for fat burning will help you lose weight and stay healthy.

DRINK IT COLD - Drink your green tea iced or cold during the summer or warm weather months of the year. Drinking your green tea cold will make your body warm it up and the extra energy your body uses will burn more calories.

Drink green tea everyday.

If you need more information on how to use green tea for fat burning keep reading this blog.

How to Recognize GERD Symptoms

How to Recognize GERD Symptoms

Knowing how to recognize GERD symptoms will help you to relieve your symptoms as soon as they appear. GERD is gastric reflux or gastroesophageal reflux. GERD can be very common among people that have asthma or allergies. GERD can be treated naturally at home or in more severe cases by medication prescribed by your doctor.

ASTHMA - Check for symptoms of asthma. Asthma and allergies can be a sign of GERD.
Symptoms such as:

Uncontrollable asthma or asthma that requires more and more medication to keep under control.

Asthma that starts as an adult.

Asthma that gets worse at night, after meals, after exercise or when lying down.

HEART BURN - Check for the symptoms of heart burn. Having the feeling of heart burn, burping, belching and acid taste in the mouth can call be symptoms of GERD.
Knowing how to recognize GERD symptoms can help you to seek help sooner.

ACID TASTE - Tasting acid in your mouth after you have bent over or are stooping.

UNCOMMON SYMPTOMS - Check to see if you have any of the rare symptoms of GERD such as: Frequent pneumonia or bronchitis, difficulty swallowing or choking, sore throat, chest pain, sinusitis and post nasal drip.

TREATMENT - Talk to your doctor about the numerous prescriptions now available to treat GERD. Use the medication as prescribed and change your habits at home to relieve symptoms. Eat smaller portions, exercise, lose weight if needed, avoid alcohol, cigarettes and citrus type foods.

Knowing how to recognize GERD symptoms can bring you the relief you are looking for.

How to Get A Swine Flu Vaccination

How to Get A Swine Flu Vaccination

Have you been wondering if you can get a Swine Flu vaccination? You can get one if you want one. It may be covered on your health insurance, you may want to contact your health insurance company and your doctor to verify. Ask how much the fee will be if it is not covered on your insurance.

MID SEPTEMBER - Ask your doctor when the Swine Flu vaccine will be available in your area. The Swine flu spreads extremely fast at schools, so it is important that you receive the vaccine shortly after school begins. It is anticipated that it will be available in the middle of September.
If you have young children it is very essential that you inquire about the Swine Flu vaccine as soon as possible. The Swine flu travels quickly through grade school children, but it is most dangerous for babies and the elderly who are not strong enough to fight it off adequately.
As soon as your doctor anticipates the arrival of the vaccine, make an appointment for the most vulnerable members of your family and the entire family if you feel necessary.

HIGH RISK - Get the vaccination for the Swine Flu if you are in the high risk group or if you live with someone in the high risk group. You should also get the Swine Flu vaccine if you are susceptible to getting colds and flu's. Initially the vaccination may only be available to those in the high risk groups or living with the high risk groups. There may not be enough to cover everyone that wants one initially, but more will become available.

It is unknown what the efficacy of the vaccine will be just as it is not known every year when the flu vaccine is created. This fast tracked Swine Flu vaccine will be the best that can be done in this short time frame.

The high risk groups are the elderly, infants, school aged children, pregnant women and other adults that are at risk for infection or disease.

Knowing how to get a Swine Flu vaccination will help you keep your family healthy.

ILLNESS - Get the vaccine only when you are well. If you are sick or feel like you are getting sick, you should not get the vaccine.
Knowing how to get a Swine Flu vaccination will help you avoid sick days at work and school.

Speed Up Your Metabolism Drinking Green Tea

Speed Up Your Metabolism Drinking Green Tea

Learning how to speed up your metabolism drinking green tea, will help you to lose the weight you want. Green tea has natural properties that increase metabolism and help burn more fat. Drink at least four cups per day to help yourself lose the weight you want to lose.

DRINK GREEN TEA - Drink green tea at least four times per day and optimally up to ten times per day. It is difficult to drink ten cups of green tea per day, but if you are able to do it, you are really helping your body increase its metabolism.

Do not replace your regular water drinking with green tea. You must still drink the normal amount of water that you drink each day. Drink at least eight (eight ounce) glasses of water each day.

DRINK IT ICED OR HOT - Drink your tea the opposite temperature of the weather. If it is hot out, drink it iced or very cold. If it is cold out, drink it hot or very warm.

If you drink your tea the opposite temperature of the weather it will help your body burn more calories by forcing it to heat up or cool down your green tea.

EAT HEALTHY - Eat healthy meals three times per day with snacks in between. Eating healthy means eliminating foods that are bad for your body and only eating foods that have good nutrition for your body.

If you have bad eating habits now is the time to change them. The green tea will help you feel full so that you will eat less during meals.

Knowing how to speed up your metabolism drinking green tea will help you burn those extra calories that you need to finally get the weight off. You can have the waist line that you have been dreaming of.

EXERCISE - Treat your body well by properly exercising everyday. Exercise for at least thirty minutes at least five times per week. You can do cardiovascular exercises, muscle building exercises or both.

If you are interesting in cardiovascular exercises, try running, jogging, dancing, walking, skiing, volley ball or other sports.

If you are interested in weight bearing exercises you can try push ups, pull ups squats, lunges, crunches and sit ups without even using any equipment.

Knowing how to speed up your metabolism will have you looking your best.

How to Get Your Wife to Want More Sex

How to Get Your Wife to Want More Sex

Women are hopeless romantics, romance her and you will get everything that you want.

Women need to be romanced. If you want your wife to have more sex with you, then you will need to learn a new kind of foreplay. Foreplay for the mind. Take the time to romance your wife and you will be satisfied with the results.

SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOUR WIFE - Spend more time just hanging out with your wife. Everyone knows that women need more foreplay, but what most me do not realize is that women need a different kind of foreplay. Women need emotional foreplay. They need to feel loved and wanted and romanced. Spend time with your wife talking about things that make her feel good such as her passions, her dreams, and her goals in life and how they fit in with yours. Don't put the moves on her when you are just hanging out. The two of you need to spend quality time together that does not involve sex.

WINE AND DINE - Take your wife out to her favorite restaurant and spend the evening doing her favorite activities. You will really impress her if you take her to do things that she knows you do not enjoy. If you are putting her first, she will know it.

Giving her attention will help you to romance your wife and increase intimacy between you two.

PRIVATE TIME - Plan for private time alone with your spouse. Send the children to grandma's house so that you can spend time alone with your spouse. Turn off the television and put the pets outside. Do not allow anyone or anything interrupt your private time together.
Sometimes when life gets busy, intimacy needs to be planned ahead of time. Create time and set the scene so that everything is perfect.

Take your spouse out for a special evening at least once per week to keep the romance alive in your relationship.

Knowing how to get your wife to want more sex will help your marriage stay strong.

SNUGGLE AFTER - Spend time with your wife after you have been intimate. Snuggling up together after and chatting about nothing will strengthen the bond between you. Don't rush away, take the time to appreciate your spouse and she will return the favor.

Knowing how to get your wife to want more sex will strengthen the bond between you.

How to Conceive a Girl Naturally

How to Conceive a Girl Naturally

DIET - Eat a diet that can help you conceive a girl. It is thought that eating a lot of fish, chocolate and vegetables will help you to conceive a girl.

CHINESE CONCEPTION CHART METHOD - The Chinese believe that the sex of the baby can be determined by a chart based on the mothers age and the month of conception.
When the mother is 18 she will conceive a girl only in January and March. At 19 she will conceive a girl only in February, April, May, November and December. At 20 the mother will conceive a girl only in January, March and October. At 21 she will conceive a girl in every month except January. At 22 she will conceive a girl in every month except February, March, May and August. At 23 she will conceive a girl only in March, June, August, and December. At 24 she will conceive a girl in every month except January, March, April, June and July. At 25 she will conceive a girl only in January, April, May and July. At 26 she will conceive a girl in every month except January, March, June and August. At 27 she will conceive a girl in every month except February, April, July, August, September and October. At 28 she will conceive a girl in every month except January, March, July, August, September and October. At 29 she will conceive a girl in every month except February, and May through September. At 30 she will conceive a girl every month except January, November and December. At 31 and 32 she will conceive a girl in every month except January, March and December. At 33 she will conceive a girl in every month except February through April, August and December. At 34 she will conceive a girl in every month except January, March, November and December. At 35 she will conceive a girl only in March, May through July and September and October. At 36 she will conceive a girl only in January, April, and June through August. At 37 she will conceive a girl only in February, May, July, September and November. At 38 she will conceive a girl in every month except February, April, May, July, September and November. At 39 she will conceive a girl in every month except January, March through May, August and October. At 40 she will conceive a girl in every month except February, April, June, July, September and November.

SPERM SPINNING - Have your sperm spun by a professional if you would like to guarantee that you have a girl. Female sperm are heavier and slower than male sperm. The doctor will take only the female sperm to implant into the mother.

How to Conceive a Boy Naturally

How to Conceive a Boy Naturally

Knowing how to conceive a boy naturally will help you to become pregnant faster. There are many different techniques for choosing the sex of your baby. It is good to know that male sperm are much lighter in weight and much faster than female sperm. You can use this information to help you conceive a boy faster.

DIET - Eat a diet to promote conception of a boy. Eat a lot of red meats, potatoes, foods high in potassium and salty foods to conceive a boy.

CHINESE METHOD - Use the Chinese calendar method to conceive a boy. The Chinese have a calendar. The Chinese Conception Chart uses the age of the mother and the month of conception to determine the sex of the baby.

If the mother is 18 she will conceive a boy in every month except for January and March. At 19 she will conceive a boy in every month except February, April, May, November and December. At 20 the mother will conceive a boy in every month except January, March and October. At 21 she will conceive a boy only in January. At 22 she will conceive a boy only in February, March, May and August. At 23 she will conceive a boy in every month except March, June, August, and December. At 24 she will conceive a boy only in January, March, April, June and July. At 25 she will conceive a boy in every month except for January, April, May and July. At 26 she will conceive a boy only in January, March, June and August. At 27 she will conceive a boy only in February, April, July, August, September and October. At 28 she will conceive a boy only in January, March, July, August, September and October. At 29 she will conceive a boy in February, and May through September. At 30 she will conceive a boy in January, November and December. At 31 and 32 she will conceive a boy in January, March and December. At 33 she will conceive a boy in February through April, August and December. At 34 she will conceive a boy only in January, March, November and December. At 35 she will conceive a boy all months except March, May through July and September and October. At 36 she will conceive a boy in every month except January, April, and June through August. At 37 she will conceive a boy every month except February, May, July, September and November. At 38 she will conceive a boy only in February, April, May, July, September and November. At 39 she will conceive a boy only in January, March through May, August and October. At 40 she will conceive a boy only in February, April, June, July, September and November.

SPERM SPINNING - Use the sperm spinning method if other methods do not work. This procedure will need to be done at a doctors office. They will spin the sperm to separate it from the girl sperm. The procedure costs approximately $500.

How to LOSE WEIGHT Using Weightwatchers

How to LOSE WEIGHT Using Weightwatchers

You can lose weight easily with the help of Weight Watchers.

Knowing how to lose weight using Weight Watchers will help you to reach your weight loss goals. Weight Watchers meetings and support groups can help you to plan your new healthy lifestyle so that you will never feel like you are on a diet again.

MEETINGS - Attend Weight Watchers meetings regularly. Weight watchers meetings will help you lose weight and keep it off. It is very important to get the support that you need to meet and keep your weight loss goals. You will be weighed in at each meeting which will help you keep on track without obsessing about your weight each day. Only weigh on the day that you go to your meeting. Do not weigh daily at home. If you do, you will be on an emotional roller coaster with your weight, which is not very helpful for you. Participate while you are there and ask the questions that have been on your mind.

ONLINE GROUPS - Join online support groups at WeightWatchers.com They are free to join and you do not even need to be a member of Weight Watchers to participate. It is wonderful to keep up with the same group for weeks or even months to help each other meet weight loss goals. In a ten week thread last Spring, I lost enough to buy a bathing suit one size smaller in the summer. It really helps to have help with your weight loss goals and no one knows how to lose weight better than Weight Watcher members. Keep up with other members to get the support you need. Knowing how to lose weight using Weight Watchers will help you to meet your goals quickly.

POINTS - Learn to use and understand the Weight Watchers point system. Different foods are allotted a certain amount of points and then you need to eat a flat amount of points each day. If you do not understand the system, you can ask at your weekly meetings. There are many foods at the grocery store that are labeled with the Weight Watchers point system to help you keep track of your points. They have made the system very easy to use to help you lose weight and keep it off.

Knowing how to lose weight with Weight Watchers will change your life forever.

Friday, November 13, 2009

How to Drink Acai Juice to Lose Weight

How to Drink Acai Juice to Lose Weight

Acai berry juice has been shown to help with weight loss.

Knowing how to drink acai juice to lose weight will help give your body the boost it needs to lose those extra pounds. Having you been trying to lose a few extra pounds? Add a little bit of acai juice to your diet and you will be able to lose the weight faster and easier than other diets.

Use acai berry juice as an appetite suppressant. Acai berry juice has natural powers to suppress your appetite. Partly because of its natural properties and partly because it is a juice which is a natural appetite suppressant.

Use acai berry juice to boost your metabolism and help you burn more fat. You will lose more weight when you drinking acai berry juice because of its natural properties to boost your metabolism. Your metabolism will help you burn more fat so that you lose more weight.

Drink acai berry juice to boost your energy. With more energy you will be able to exercise more and be more active in general which will help you burn more fat and lose more weight.
Feel full faster by including acai berry juice with each meal. If you feel full faster, you will lose more weight because you will eat less.

Acai berry juice works in many ways to help you lose weight and that is what makes it such an excellent supplement to help you lose weight. If you want to lose weight easily without even thinking about it, you should include acai berry juice or other acai berry supplements into your diet to aid your weight loss plan.

APPETITE SUPPRESSANT - Drink acai berry juice before meals. Use acai berry juice as an appetite suppressant.

BOOST METABOLISM - Drink acai berry juice to boost your metabolism and burn more fat to lose weight. Knowing how to drink acai berry juice to lose weight will help you get into your favorite swimsuit this summer.

BOOST ENERGY - Drink acai berry juice to give yourself an energy boost. Acai berries have a natural quality that helps boost energy. You will feel it within minutes of drinking the juice.

FEEL FULL - Drink acai berry juice before meals to help you feel full so that you will eat less. Help yourself to diet easily.

Knowing how to drink acai juice to lose weight will help you drop the pounds.

How to Lose Weight Under Hypnosis

How to Lose Weight Under Hypnosis

Lose weight quickly and easily by controlling your mind.

Knowing how to lose weight under hypnosis will help you to lose the weight that you have not been able to lose in other ways. Self hypnosis is simple and easy to do. It is not dangerous and you can do it alone in the privacy of your own home.

RELAX - Lay down in a comfortable position with your head on a pillow or slightly elevated. To lose weight under hypnosis, you will need to be hypnotized which you can do easily yourself.
Close your eyes and tell yourself that each part of your body will be relaxed. Start with your toes and relax each part of your body until you have reached your head and then relax your head.

DEEP TRANCE - Put yourself in a deep trance by telling yourself that you will count to ten while imagining yourself walk down steps. When you reach the bottom step you will be in a deep trance.
Picture the steps in your head and slowly walk down the stairs, imagining each step as you go. Count down to ten until you have reached the bottom step.

MANTRA - Tell yourself a mantra once you have reached the bottom of the stairs and you are in a deep trance. Your mantra may be something like "I will not eat after I am full" or "I will only eat healthy foods" or possibly "I will exercise every day. Tell yourself the mantra over and over again while you are in a deep trance. Do not let other things come into your mind, just focus on your mantra. Knowing how to lose weight under hypnosis will give your metabolism the boost it needs for you to burn more calories and lose weight.

COME OUT OF THE TRANCE - Slowly walk back up the stairs to the count of ten. When you reach the top of the stairs you will be out of the trance. Relax for awhile before you get up.
If you need more information, please look in the Resources section below. Knowing how to lose weight under hypnosis will help you to lose the weight that you want to lose.

How to Have Better Sex Between Husband and Wife

How to Have Better Sex Between Husband and Wife

You can have more sex with your wife.

Knowing how to have better sex between husband and wife will help spice up your love life with your spouse. Sex is good for you emotionally and physically. Keep yourself healthy by having great sex. Get married, be romantic, keep your love alive and always make time for your spouse.

GET MARRIED - Have great sex by marrying the love of your life. Sex is much better when you are married. Many singles may not realize this fact until they take the plunge and get married. This is an incredible phenomenon that only married people enjoy. Marry the love of your life today, so that you can begin enjoying the best sex ever with your spouse.

ENJOY EACH OTHER - Pay attention to your spouse. Look at them as if they are a marvel to look at every moment. Try to figure out what your spouse is thinking. To have better sex with your husband or wife, you need to be in touch with their emotions and when it is the right time to approach them. Knowing how to have better sex with your husband or wife will increase the length of your life. Sex between a husband and wife falls under the philosophy of the more the merrier.

MAKE TIME - Make the time to have intimate moments with your spouse. Each intimate moment does not need to be sexual. You can spend time just playing around, which will make sex even better when you finally get to it. If you have children at home, you should create a date night every week. Make sure that you have complete privacy for your date night and plenty of time to spend together. Put it on the schedule so that you do not forget and the time is already allotted.

BE COMPASSIONATE - Try to imagine yourself in your spouses shoes. If you are sensitive to the feelings of your spouse on a daily basis you will be able to enjoy your sex life more. Understanding what is happening with your spouse and sympathizing with what they go through every day will bring you closer together and therefore make you more intimate.

Knowing how to have better sex with your spouse will give you a higher quality of living.

How to Burn Fat With Acai Berry Juice

How to Burn Fat With Acai Berry Juice

There are many health benefits of acai berry juice including weight loss.

Learn to burn fat with acai berry juice and meet your weight loss goals faster than ever. Acai berry juice can stimulate your metabolism, fill you up and suppress your appetite. All that and it has an incredible amount of antioxidants that helps protect you against diseases. Give your health a boost by losing weight drinking acai berry juice.

DRINK ACAI BERRY JUICE - Drink acai berry juice when you get up in the morning. It will help you suppress your appetite for the entire day. Burn fat by starting the day off right. Eating first thing in the morning lets your body know that there is plenty of food and it is all right for your body to keep burning fat. Then eat a healthy breakfast. Healthy foods include lean meat, fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains. Breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day. Make sure it is made up of plenty of vegetables and fruit with a small portion of lean meat and a small portion of whole grains. Whole grains are: brown rice, groats, steel cut oats, whole grain pasta, and pop corn.

MEALS - Drink acai berry juice before, during and after your meals. The acai berry juice will fill you up and help you to feel full longer. It will also suppress your appetite for hours. Your appetite will be so suppressed, you will need to remind yourself to eat snacks. Eat healthy snacks every two hours to keep your metabolism at its best. Lean protein, vegetables or fruit make the best snacks. Try to keep snacks between 50 to 150 calories each and make sure that you never go more than two hours without eating up to 7:00pm in the evening.

STIMULATE YOUR METABOLISM - Drink acai berry juice as your evening snack to help keep your metabolism stimulated. Eating often in small amounts keeps your metabolism burning more fat. If you metabolism is fed every two to three hours, your body is told a message to keep burning fat. If you do not eat often your body will go into starvation mode and begin storing fat. You need to give your body the right message throughout your day.

Knowing how to burn fat with acai berry juice will help you to reach your weight loss goals.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How to Get Stress Relief

How to Get Stress Relief

Create serenity.

Stress is very bad for your physical health even if you do not notice the effects at first. Years of stress can take its toll and can even be deadly. Reduce the stress in your life by actively creating a better environment for yourself.

ELIMINATE STRESSFUL PEOPLE - Cut off or reduce your contact with people that cause you stress. You do not need to tell them that you are cutting them off or reducing the time you spend with them. If you find it difficult, plan ahead. Make a list of excuses you can give them. Keep yourself busy with things that you enjoy doing so that you really are busy when they ask.

TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS - Make a daily list of the things that must be done and the things that you would like to do. Make the list the night before so that you do not stay awake thinking about them. Do and check off all of the things that must be done in the day. If you are taking care of your personal business, you will be much less stressed.

LET GO - Let go of the things that you cannot control. Life happens to all of us. The healthiest people let things roll off their backs. Take care of the things that you can and let go of the rest.

TRIGGERS - Learn to recognize the things that cause stress in your life so that you can learn to control your reaction, reduce or avoid the situation.

CREATE SERENITY - Create serenity in your home. A small fountain can do the trick. Flowing water is very soothing. Animals are also very soothing. Try getting a cat, dog or fish.

How to Avoid Tension Headache Triggers

How to Avoid Tension Headache Triggers

When you want to avoid a tension headache, you need to be aware of your body and the triggers that cause it. Your body will normally send you signs that a headache is on the way.

AVOID STRESS - Stress can be the biggest trigger of tension headaches. Avoid stress by analyzing your life and cutting out the things that cause you stress unnecessarily. May be there are people that you can see less often and situations that you can avoid. You can also take action to relieve stress by removing yourself from stressful situations and using mind and breathing techniques.

EAT AND DRINK - Eat and drink properly to avoid tension headaches. You are more susceptible to a headache if you are dehydrated or have not received the proper nutrition. Low blood sugar, high blood sugar and other food related issues can cause or trigger headaches. Listen to your body so that you can take action to avoid the headache before it starts.

BREATHE PROPERLY - Take deep breaths. Shallow breaths can actually cause headaches by increasing CO2 levels which cause pain in the blood vessels. Take deep breaths if you feel a headache coming on. Breathe in through your nose to the count of seven, hold for a count of four and exhale out of your mouth for the count of eight. Repeat as needed.

VISUALIZE - Take your mind off of your troubles by visualizing something pleasing to you. There is no need to focus on the negative, especially if there is nothing that you can do about it. You can mentally take yourself out of a situation even if you cannot physically take yourself out of the situation.

LAY DOWN - Take the time to lay down and relax your body. A short break or nap will really help you to recharge your batteries. Use relaxation techniques to relax your body. Concentrate on one body part at a time starting with your feet to relax each part of your body.

How to Cure Hemorrhoids Fast

How to Cure Hemorrhoids Fast

Have you been suffering from the pain, irritation and itch of hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids can come on quickly and cause much irritation. Hemorrhoids are a common problem caused by swollen veins in the anal canal. They are very annoying, but usually not dangerous.

TRY TO PREVENT HEMORRHOIDS - Avoid activities that promote hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are normally caused by pressure on the veins in the anal canal or rectal area. Common activities such as pregnancy, obesity and straining during a bowel movement can cause hemorrhoids. Reduce down to a healthy weight and don't sit on the toilet for long periods of time. Eat properly so that you can avoid diarrhea and constipation.

DRINK PLENTY OF WATER - Drinking water can help you to stay regular and have easy to pass bowel movements.

TAKE FIBER SUPPLEMENTS - Taking fiber supplements will help you to have an easier bowel movement. You should only take fiber supplements for short periods of time. They are not meant as a long term cure. To have easy to pass bowel movements on a regular basis, eat more fruits and vegetables.

OINTMENTS - Use an over the counter cream or ointment to relieve the pain and itching of hemorrhoids. Over the counter medications work well for hemorrhoids.

SURGERY - Ask your doctor about surgery if you are unable to get relief from your hemorrhoids at home.

How to Choose The Right Sunscreen

How to Choose The Right Sunscreen

Dermatologists recommend sunscreen that has both a chemical and a physical block.

Knowing how to choose the right sunscreen is very important during the summer. Sunscreen blocks the harmful rays of the sun that can cause cancer, wrinkles and damage skin. It is very confusing at the drug store if you do not understand all of the industry lingo such as Helioplex, Avobenzene, Parsol 1784, and many others. Which one is best?

SUN PROTECTION FACTOR - Use SPF 30 or higher on your skin that is exposed to the sun. Use sunscreen on a daily basis. Dermatologist recommend an SPF rating of at least 30 or higher for most patients. 30 SPF is very high and each rating higher than that only gives you slightly more sun protection. Reapply as needed and at least every two hours or after coming out of the water. Consult your dermatologist for your specific skin care needs.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS - Use an active ingredient of 7% or higher. Although the specific active ingredient does not matter as long as it covers both UVA and UVB rays, it should be at least 7% on the active ingredient list. Dermatologists do not recommend Helioplex, Avobenzene or Parsol 1784 over an other active ingredients, they say that they are all similar enough. These are all just name brand active ingredients and they all protect in a similar manner.

PHYSICAL BLOCKER - Use a sunscreen that has a physical blocker in addition to the main active ingredient chemical blocker. Look on the active ingredient list and make sure that either zinc oxide or titanium oxide is listed. The quantity does not have to be 7% or more, that is not necessary. Zinc is not the solid white blocker that it was in the past, it now blends into the skin just like regular sunscreen.

It is very important that you find a sunscreen with all three of these requirements, 30 SPF or more, 7% of active ingredient or more and a physical blocker of zinc oxide or titanium oxide. None of the current spray on sunscreen meets this criteria. The three sunscreens that I have found are Solbar, Elta and Banana Boat Baby Tear Free.

How to Walk Your Way Thin

How to Walk Your Way Thin

Walking is an easy way to lose weight.

Walking is one of the easiest and best exercises that you can do for your body. It is low impact, you can go at your own pace and it gives you the cardio workout that your body needs. Even if you are out of shape you can start out walking for a short period of time and increase your walking workout over time.

NO EXCUSES - Stop giving yourself excuses to not exercise and start today, right now. Even if you do not have a place to walk, you can walk in your own home. Do laps around your living room if you have to. If your home has stairs, you can really beef up your workout routine by walking up and down the stairs in the middle of your walk. Add in as many stairs climbs as you can handle.

Walk around your own neighborhood. Your neighborhood is one of the best places for you to walk because you can walk whenever you have time. Make time after meals especially if they are heavy meals.

Walk around your work place. If you must walk around the parking lot make sure you are safe and always watching out for cars.

PEDOMETER - Buy yourself a pedometer. They are very affordable and worth it. Track your steps every day. Try to walk at least 10,000 steps per day. It is a lofty goal and one that you will not reach naturally on your own without tracking your progress. Buy a pedometer and wear it all day every day. If you are not reaching the 10,000 step goal, then increase your walking each day until you reach your goal of walking 10,000 steps per day.

GET A BUDDY - Find a friend to walk with you each day. It is good for their health also. Having a buddy will help to pass the time and keep you on track walking each day. It is easy to make excuses to yourself, but it is more difficult to make excuses to your friends.

When you cannot find a buddy, try wearing an ipod or mp3 player to help pass the time while you walk yourself thin.

How to Avoid Weight Loss Surgery

How to Avoid Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery has many dangers.

Knowing how to avoid weight loss surgery can save your life. Weight loss surgery can benefit many people but is not something that you should be taken lightly. The surgery is very dangerous and after the surgery, the dangers continue especially if you over eat or do not follow the advice of your doctor. Before deciding on weight loss surgery try to lose the weight yourself, at least you will not have to face the risks of surgery.

EAT HEALTHY - Follow a healthy meal plan as suggested by your doctor. If you cannot follow a healthy meal plan now, what makes you think that you can follow one after surgery. Not following the meal plan after surgery can cause injury or complications. Force yourself to follow a healthy meal plan now. You can do it. You will be amazed at how much you can eat when you are eating healthy stuff such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and meats low in saturated fats. Make sure that 50% of each meal is vegetables, 25% whole grains and 25% lean meats. Snack on fruits, vegetables, lean meats, or yogurt. Changing your diet to a healthy one now will eliminate your need for weight loss surgery.

EXERCISE - Follow a daily exercise plan as outlined by your doctor. Even if you cannot get out of bed, you can still move. There are plenty of exercises that can be done from bed. As soon as you are able to, you should start walking. Walking is a wonderful exercise that burns a lot of calories and keeps you in shape. You will be surprised at all of the extra energy you have after you begin walking every day. Increase the amount of time that you walk each day until you are able to walk for 60 minutes per day. You will definitely be able to avoid weight loss surgery if you are exercising every day and eating healthy.

DON'T GIVE UP - Keep yourself motivated on a daily basis. Create a mantra for yourself that you can say every time you feel like giving up. I know you can do this. You can lose weight on your own without having risky surgery. If you think that you can follow the doctors orders after having surgery, why can't you follow the doctors orders now and prevent yourself from needing surgery.

Weight loss surgery may be necessary for some people, try not to be one of them, it is extremely dangerous during the surgery and afterwards. Avoid weight loss surgery if you are able to.

How to Eat To Have Healthy Skin

How to Eat To Have Healthy Skin

Berries have many antioxidants that are very good for your face.

Your skin reflects what you put in your body. The things that you eat and drink have a direct affect on the look of your skin. If you are having problems with your skin, look at your diet to see where you can make the appropriate changes.

VITAMIN E - Eat foods rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E is very healthy for your skin. Eat plenty of nuts, seeds and vegetables to make sure that you are getting a healthy amount of vitamin E and keeping your skin looking good. If you are not getting enough vitamin E in your food, you can take a vitamin E supplement. Of course natural food sources of vitamin E are better than taking a supplement.

DRINK WATER - Drink plenty of water each day to keep your skin healthy. Your skin is the first thing to show even slight dehydration. Chapped lips are a sure sign that you are not drinking enough water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day, more if you weigh more than 150 pounds.

EAT BERRIES - Eat plenty of blueberries and strawberries. Berries are an excellent source for antioxidants. You will have beautiful skin if you eat berries on a regular basis, hopefully every day.

OLIVE OIL - Consume olive oil on a regular basis. It is important that it is fresh and not cooked. Olive oil can go bad, so do not leave it out. Olive oil should be refrigerated. Drizzle it over your favorite pasta. Olive oil has many healthy benefits and beautiful skin is just one of them.

GREEN TEA - Drink green tea every day for perfect skin. Try to drink at least four glasses of green tead each day.

You can have fabulous skin without spending too much at the make up counter.

How to Sculpt a Tight Butt

How to Sculpt a Tight Butt

Sculpt a tight butt in just minutes per day.

Have you been wondering how to sculpt a tight butt? You can create the buns of your dreams in just minutes per day. Take the time now and reap the rewards later. It will not take you long to sculpt a tight butt.

LUNGES - Do lunges every day. Increase the amount each and every day. You can also increase your lunges by holding dumbbells in your hands at your shoulders while you are doing the lunges. Lunges are excellent for sculpting your buns.

SQUATS - Do squats every day to sculpt your rear into a tight butt in just a few minutes each day. Work your way up to 100 squats per day. Do not do deep squats. You can always squat down and touch your behind on a chair to make sure that you do not go too deep and damage your knees.

LEG EXTENSIONS - Do leg extensions every day. Get down on all fours and extend your leg straight out behind you. Bring your knee up to your chest and then extend your leg out again. Alternate between a pointed and a flexed toe. Increase the number of leg extension each day.

RIDE A BICYCLE - Ride a regular or stationary bike every day. Bicycling is an excellent exercise to sculpt your buns. To increase the difficulty level you can try off road biking. Biking on any surface other than pavement makes it much more difficult. You can also try mountain biking up a slope, hill or mountain. Mountain biking is much more difficult than street riding.

If you are riding on a stationary bike, you can always increase the tension to make it more difficult. Exercising your buns every day will help you to get that tight butt that you have always wanted in just minutes per day.

How to Make Teeth Whitening Safer

How to Make Teeth Whitening Safer

Professional teeth whitening has become very popular.

Everyone wants whiter teeth, but not all teeth whitening methods are safe. Teeth whitening patients have reported extreme pain after treatments. Sometimes the pain is days or weeks after the treatment. The pain is debilitating and stops patients in their tracks until it subsides.

CUSTOMIZED WHITENING - Ask a dentist for a customized bleaching tray for your teeth. Only administered by dentists, the customized bleaching tray may be your best choice. The customized trays can provide the correct amount of bleach and desensitizing agents for your teeth. The desensitizing agents are prescription strength and normally work very well. Another benefit of customized bleaching trays is that the result is excellent. The whitening trays will get your teeth as white as they possibly can. If you are extremely sensitive this method may be your best choice. Discuss all of your needs and concerns with your dentist prior to any treatments.

DO IT YOURSELF - Pick up an over the counter teeth whitening kit at your local pharmacy. Many of the over the counter teeth whitening kits are much safer than the professionally administered methods. Of course the results may not be as white as you want them, but at least you will have a lower chance of pain. Over the counter products cannot use prescription strength bleaching agents or prescription strength desensitizing agents and therefore are not as strong as the teeth whitening treatments received from a dentist.

DENTAL POWDER - Try a dental powder and lamps. Dental powder is another option for those that have sensitive teeth and gums. The dental powder is applied and then lamps are used to speed up the process. The treatment is therefore much shorter than other treatments which causes less side effects. This method must be administered by a dentist.

WHITENING TOOTHPASTE - Use a toothpaste with "whitening" on the label. Whitening toothpaste is the least effective method, but it also has the fewest side effects and therefore makes it the absolute safest method to whiten your teeth. You will notice some whitening but it will not be a intense as a professional administered treatment or even a home treatment.

You can make teeth whitening safer by talking to your dentist before trying any treatments and ask about the potential side effects.

How to Keep Your Cholesterol In Check

How to Keep Your Cholesterol In Check

Lower your bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, and raise your good HDL cholesterol to be healthy.

Your cholesterol is not just one number, it is a combination of three numbers. To keep your cholesterol numbers balanced you need to keep track of your good HDL cholesterol, bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

CHECK YOUR CHOLESTEROL LEVELS - Have your doctor check your cholesterol levels at least once per year at your physical. It is important to have a starting point so that you can keep track of how your cholesterol levels have changed. You will also need to know which cholesterol level you need to work on. Many people have normal or low bad LDL cholesterol but their good HDL cholesterol is too low and needs to be raised to a more acceptable level. Some people have high bad LDL cholesterol and high triglycerides which means that they need to lower both.

CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE - Add exercise to your daily routine. Whether you need to low bad cholesterol and triglycerides or raise good cholesterol, exercising can help you do both. Exercise for at least one hour per day and spend a second hour doing some type of physical activity or sport. Walking is an excellent exercise that is very easy to do. You can start slowly and increase the amount of time that you walk each week. There are numerous physical activities that you can incorporate in your daily routine such as raking leaves, pulling weeds, mowing the lawn, jump roping with your kids, playing tag, and playing sports.

EAT CHOLESTEROL HEALTHY FOODS - Incorporate healthy foods into your diet. Foods such as avocado, salmon, mackerel, sardines, olive oil, garlic, and fruits and vegetables will help you to keep your cholesterol levels in check. Make sure that half of your plate is vegetables at every meal.

Eliminate foods high in saturated fats, containing high fructose corn syrup or partially hydrogenated oils or highly processed foods. With a little change in your lifestyle, you can keep your cholesterol levels balanced.

How to Treat ADD and ADHD Naturally

How to Treat ADD and ADHD Naturally

Signs of add and adhd can be seen throughout the day.

Have you been wondering how to treat ADD and ADHD naturally? Many parents of children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are not comfortable treating their child's inability to focus, hyperactivity and impulsiveness with drugs. Although most drugs that treat ADD and ADHD are stimulants such as Ritalin, there are new drugs on the market that are not stimulants such as Stratrera. Discuss all of your options with your doctor before choosing the right one for you.

HIGH PROTEIN FOODS - Serve your child plenty of high protein foods. No one knows for sure what causes ADD and ADHD. It could be a chemical imbalance in the brain. A diet high in proteins has been shown to help some child focus better. Although this method may not work for all children, you never know if it will work for your child. It is an easy thing for you to try and rule out. If you try adding high proteins to your child's diet, you may want to try it for at least six months to see if it works. Feed your child eggs, meats, nuts and seeds and beans.

ELIMINATE JUNK FOOD - Eliminate junk food, white flour products and white sugar products from your child's diet. Include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains in their diet.

BEHAVIORAL THERAPY - Enroll your child in behavioral therapy. Some of the therapy will be one on one. Other therapy may include the entire family. Behavioral therapy for children with ADD and ADHD has shown excellent results. Work with a therapist that you are comfortable with.

SCHOOL - Place your child in a school environment that is the least restrictive. If possible avoid a special day class and place your child in a regular classroom with the help of an aide if needed.

Homeschooling is another wonderful option for parents of ADD and ADHD kids. Homeschooling gives you the opportunity to treat your child in the best appropriate way all day. If you homeschool make sure you include plenty of social activities for your child such as play dates, sports, music and art.

You can learn how to treat ADD and ADHD naturally and avoid the stimulant drugs and their affects on children.

How to Treat Anxiety Disorders

How to Treat Anxiety Disorders

If you have social anxiety disorders, you can treat your symptoms easily.

You can treat your anxiety disorders easily. If you are able to recognize the triggers that cause your anxiety or panic attacks, you will be able to easily control them. Get the help you need so that you can live a happy and stress free life.

RECOGNIZE TRIGGERS - Evaluate the things in your life that cause you anxiety or panic attacks. Triggers may be something that you do, see, hear, feel or even a person. You may not think that a certain person is causing you stress when you see them, but when they begin saying things that bother you, you may recognize a trigger. Finding the things that cause you stress is essential to your recovery.

ELIMINATE STRESS - Take the stressful triggers out of your life. This may mean that you no longer see certain people or you reduce the amount of time that you spend with them. You do not need to tell them that you are removing them from your life, just tactfully avoid them.

You may need to avoid certain stressful or anxiety provoking activities or locations. It does not mean that you can never visit or participate in these activities again, it just means that you need to cut them out of your life right now.

Slowly you will be able to add things back into your life once you have learned to deal with them.

SEEK HELP - Find a good therapist that specializes in anxiety disorders. A good therapist can help you control your behavior when confronted with a trigger. Medication may or may not been needed, talk to your doctor about what is best for you. Let them know all of your questions and concerns about your anxiety disorder and how the medication may effect you.

You can treat your anxiety disorder easily and quickly.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How to Cleanse Your Colon Naturally

How to Cleanse Your Colon Naturally

Knowing how to cleanse our colon naturally can protect you from the plethora of expensive products that are out on the market. You can cleanse your colon by eating healthy and fiber rich food. You may already have everything that you need to cleanse your colon naturally in your own cupboards.

FIBER RICH FOODS - Eat a diet full of fiber rich foods such as vegetables. One half of each meal should be vegetables. Vegetables rich in fiber include spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, tomatoes and carrots. Eat your vegetables raw or as close to raw as you can. Light cook, steam or bake your vegetables. They should be bright in color and crisp. You can also snack on raw vegetables throughout the day. A healthy diet filled with fiber rich vegetables will cleanse your colon naturally every day.

GARLIC - Eat garlic as often as possible, preferably three to four times per week. Eat it as close to raw as you possibly can. If you are unable to eat raw garlic, cook it lightly. If you are making a stir fry, put the garlic in last so that it is not burnt or over cooked. Garlic naturally cleanses your colon. Eat it regularly and you will know what I mean. Garlic has numerous health benefits, keeping your colon cleansed is just one of its wonderful properties.

WATER - Drink plenty of water every day. Water is crucial in keeping your digestive system healthy. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day in addition to any other liquids that you drink. Water is essential for good health. Keep fresh water handy throughout your day so that you can easily drink your eight glasses. Drink your water in glass or stainless steel containers. Avoid plastic containers whenever possible. If your home water is not sufficient, install a water filter. Only buy plastic water bottles when it is the only water available.

FIBER SUPPLEMENTS - Use fiber supplements on if necessary. Your colon will be properly cleansed using the methods above, but if you feel that you need additional help you can use a fiber supplement. A fiber supplement should not be taken on a regular basis, but should be a temporary treatment for constipation or to cleanse the colon. Fiber supplements come in many different forms, but the powder mixed in water is most preferable. There are even fiber supplements that are safe for children.

You can cleanse your colon naturally, just by eating healthy every day.

How to Do Ab Workouts

How to Do Ab Workouts

Ab workouts will help you to achieve six pack abs.

Knowing how to do ab workouts will help you to achieve the six pack abs that you have always wanted. If you have an exercise ball, you can do even more ab workouts that are very effective. Even with no exercise equipment you can workout your abs everyday in your own home.

STANDING EXERCISES - Workout your abs every day doing a variety of exercises that target your abs. While standing bring your knee up in front of you and touch it with the elbow of the same side of your body. Work up to doing 5 sets of 20 each day. There are several variations of this exercise such as bringing your knee up to the side of your body instead of straight up and touching your elbow to your knee or alternating by touching your knee with the elbow of the opposite side of your body. This is an exercise that you can do every day, but you should at least workout your abs three days per week.

CRUNCHES - Do a variety of crunches everyday to workout all of the muscles of you abdomen.

Double crunches - While laying on your back, bend your knees and move them toward your head. At the same time, have your hands behind your neck and move lift and move your head forward so that your elbows touch your knees. Push your lower back into the ground as you are doing this exercise.

Reverse Crunches - Lay on your back and extend your arms and legs into the air. Push your lower back into the ground as you stretch your legs and arms into the air. This is a tough position and you will feel it.

PLANKS - Do planks every day to keep your ab muscles strong. A plank is a position that you put your body in and then hold it. Try to hold it while clenching your abdominal muscles for a count of 30. Do ten reps a day. There are two different ways that you can do planks.

Regular Plank - Get on the floor in a semi push up position, where you are balancing your body on your elbow, arm and hands (instead of hands only). Keep your back straight and tighten your abdominal muscles and hold.

Push Up Position - Get on the floor in push up position with your arms fully extended and holding up your body. Tighten your abdominal muscles, keep your back straight and hold the position.

Knowing how to do ab workouts will keep your belly flat.

How to Cure Gout With Home Remedies

How to Cure Gout With Home Remedies

Gout can easily be managed with a change in diet.

Knowing how to cure gout with home remedies and relieve you of the pain of arthritis and save you a lot of money in doctor visits. If you have not been happy with the results of your traditional treatments, you can try to use home remedies to cure gout.

AVOID LEAD - Avoid lead in your home and diet. Lead poisoning can be a cause of gout. Lead in paint and lead in some food products imported from foreign countries can poison you. Check the lead in your home and research any food products that you eat from foreign countries. Lead poisoning has been shown to cause arthritis known as gout in humans. Protect yourself and your health by removing all lead products from your home. Paint over any lead paint in your home. Hire professionals to remove the lead paint if necessary. Just a small amount of lead can poison a human so do not take any chances, remove lead from your home.

AVOID ALCOHOL - Do not drink alcohol if you have gout. Alcohol can cause a pain bout of gout. Although alcohol does not directly cause gout, it makes it much worse. If you are suffering from gout, avoid drinking alcohol and you will reduce your pain and suffering.

REDUCE MEAT ORGANS AND HIGH PROTEIN FOODS - Reduce or eliminate high protein foods in your diet. High protein foods increase uric acid which causes gout. Animal organs are normally high in purines which increase uric acid levels in humans. Avoid eating organ meats of animals such as liver, kidneys, brain and heart. For most people it is easy to avoid such foods.

There are also some vegetables and beans that increase uric acid and lead to gout. Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and cauliflower increase uric acid. Avoid beans and lentils as well. You can cure your gout with a home remedy just by changing your diet slightly. These items are not difficult to remove from your diet.

REDUCE HIGH SUGAR FOODS - Reduce or eliminate foods in your diet that are high in sugar, especially sugars such as sucrose, fructose and high fructose corn syrup. These foods tend to increase the uric acid level in humans which causes gout.

Because high uric acid levels are hereditary in some individuals, these home remedies to cure gout may not work for everyone. You can cure gout with home remedies that are simply and easy to follow.

How to Lose Weight on Slim Fast

How to Lose Weight on Slim Fast

Create a Slim Fast meal plan.

Have you been wondering how to lose weight on Slim Fast. Slim Fast is a great tool for losing weight. There are numerous flavored shake drinks available if you do not want to use Slim Fast such as Ensure. Use the one that you enjoy the most so that it is easier for you to follow through with your meal plan.

BREAKFAST - Lose weight on Slim Fast or another flavored nutritional shake by eating healthy all day long. Start out by drinking a Slim Fast or Ensure for breakfast. You can supplement your shake breakfast by adding a healthy food that is less than 100 calories. Healthy additions include a piece of fruit, a cooked egg, one ounce of lean meat such as turkey, small serving of yogurt (no sugar added) or a raw vegetable. Your breakfast should be large and healthy. This is the time of day when you do not have to feel bad about adding on to your meal as long as the food you add is healthy.

SNACK - Have a snack two hours after breakfast. This should be a healthy snack such as carrots, tomatoes, apple, banana, one ounce of lean meat such as turkey or chicken, or a small yogurt. In summation eat something high in protein or a fruit or vegetable.

LUNCH - Eat lunch approximately two hours after your snack. Lunch should be similar to breakfast. Drink your flavored nutritional shake, Ensure or Slim Fast and an additional healthy food item.

SNACK - Have a healthy snack two hours after lunch. It is very important that you eat often to keep your metabolism high. Make your snack 50-200 calories. The snack should be a fruit, vegetable or low saturated fat meat.

Lower Your High Cholesterol

Lower Your High Cholesterol

Keep all three of your cholesterol levels balanced.

Knowing how to lower your high cholesterol and keep you looking and feeling and being healthy. You bad LDL cholesterol is just one third of the trio of cholesterol levels that you must keep balanced. Your good HDL cholesterol level should be kept high and your bad LDL cholesterol and trigyceride levels should be kept low.

CHOLESTEROL DRUGS - Lower your high cholesterol with prescription drugs if you have to. If you have extremely high bad LDL cholesterol, your doctor will recommend it and you should do it. There are many excellent prescription drugs on the market today that work well to keep cholesterol levels low. There are two main issues with taking the drugs: 1. prescription statins lower good cholesterol also which is not good and 2. the doctors want you to take them for the rest of your life once you start taking them.
You absolutely should continue to take the drugs for as long as your doctor recommends, but do not treat it as a cure all and live an unhealthy life style. Take this opportunity to naturally raise your good HDL cholesterol and lower your bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

ELIMINATE HIGH SATURATED FATS OUT OF YOUR DIET - Learn about proper nutrition and eliminate bad foods out of your diet including high saturated fat foods, high fructose corn syrup foods, trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils, fast food, white flour and white sugar foods.

FILL UP ON GOOD FOODS - Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. If you keep yourself full of fruits and vegetables, you will be less likely to snack on foods that are bad for your health. Keep plenty of healthy foods on hand and easily accessible to set yourself up for success.

GOOD HDL CHOLESTEROL RAISING FOODS - Eat foods that will help you to raise your good HDL cholesterol such as garlic, olive oil, avocados, almonds and fish that are high in Omega 3's such as salmon, mackerel and sardines.

EXERCISE DAILY - Exercise or do physical activity that makes you sweat 6-7 days per week for at least one hour. If you are unable to do an hour at first, you can slowly build up to an hour. Walking is one of the best exercises that you can do and it is fairly easy to do. You can also do such things as running, biking, swimming, playing soccer, raking leaves, mow the lawn with a push mower, playing volleyball, snow skiing and water skiing. These are just some ideas to get you moving.

You can learn how to lower your cholesterol and do it in a reasonably small amount of time, just in time to save your life.

Calculate When Did I Conceive

Calculate When Did I Conceive

Do you want to when you conceived your baby, you can pinpoint the timeframe.

Have you been asking yourself when did I conceive my baby? You can calculate back if you know when you had your last period. It may be a good idea for all women to jot down the dates of their menstrual cycle each month just in case they need to know.

LAST MENSTRUAL CYCLE - Find out when you last had your monthly menstrual cycle. It is best if you know the exact dates of your menstrual cycle, but if you do not know and you just guess, you will still be able to calculate a round about time frame for the conception of your baby. Even if you do know the exact dates of your last menstrual cycle or period, you will still never know the exact date that you conceived your baby, only an educated guess. If you have been wondering when did I conceive my baby? You can find out in just a few minutes if you have a calendar and know the dates of your last period.

CALCULATE - Mark the first day of your last menstrual cycle on your calendar. Count fourteen days from that date and mark it on your calendar. Your most fertile days for conception are the next three days forward in front of the mark. Circle those three days. Most likely you became pregnant on those three days, however, it is possible to become pregnant on any day of the month and even during your menstrual cycle.

Unless you only had sexual intercourse one time, you may not ever know the exact date that you conceived your baby. At least you have a general time frame of when you conceived your baby.

FOLIC ACID - Take folic acid if you are a women of child bearing age even if you do not think that you will become pregnant. Folic acid is a vitamin that babies need in the first six weeks of pregnancy before women even know they are pregnant. Taking folic acid can protect your baby from many known birth defects. Don't take any chances, doctors recommend that all women of child bearing age take folic acid supplements.

Once you become pregnant, take pre natal vitamins prescribed or recommended by your doctor. Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is essential to the good health of your baby. Next time you ask yourself when did I conceive my baby? Now you can answer that question.

How to Follow a Diabetic Plate Diet

How to Follow a Diabetic Plate Diet

A diabetic diet is a very healthy diet.

Knowing how to follow a diabetic plate diet and help you keep your numbers low easily without wondering what you can eat. The diabetic plate diet is a very healthy diet for everyone not just diabetics. It is an easy diet for everyone to follow without calculating calories or carbohydrates.

FIFTY PERCENT VEGETABLES - Eat the diabetic plate diet by covering fifty percent of your plate with vegetables at each meal. The plate diet is so easy to follow because you just look at your plate and decide with your eyeballs that fifty percent of your meal is vegetables. Eat the healthiest vegetables that you can possibly find such as spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens and carrots. It is best to eat them raw or lightly cooked. The brighter the color, the better the vegetable is for you. Eat vegetables for fifty percent of your meal for all three of your main meals each day. You can also eat vegetables as snacks in between meals.

TWENTY FIVE PERCENT LEAN MEAT - Eat a meat that is low in saturated for for about one quarter of your meal for all three meals in your day. You can also eat one ounce of lean meat as a snack in between meals. Just watch the saturated fats. Eat meats and seafood such as turkey, chicken, and fish. Buy your meat at the butcher or in the grocery store meat section. Do not buy packaged lunch meats or other packaged meats, there are usually many other ingredients added such as nitrates, preservatives and high fructose corn syrup that you need to avoid for good health. Eat the healthiest meats such as salmon and turkey.

TWENTY FIVE PERCENT WHOLE GRAINS - Eat a whole grain such as brown rice or whole grain pasta or a starch such as a potato equivalent to one quarter of your meal for all three meals per day. Do not eat whole grains as your snacks during the day. It is better to snack on fruits, vegetables or lean proteins throughout your day. Make sure that your whole grains are actually whole. Read the package and avoid things such as: enriched flour, flour, etc. Eat foods that list whole grains first or sprouted grains.

Avoid eating rich and fatty sauces on your foods and avoid additional salt.

You will easily stick to your diabetic diet if you use the plate method.

How to Follow A Green Tea Diet

How to Follow A Green Tea Diet

Green tea naturally increases your metabolism.

Knowing how to follow a green tea diet will help you to lose weight quickly and easily. Green tea has natural properties which help your body burn fat naturally. It also fills you up and keeps you feeling full for hours. Green tea is a natural antioxidant which helps protect your body from diseases while helping you burn fat.

BURN FAT EASILY - Drink green tea every day for it's fabulous fat burning quality. Drink at least five cups a tea per day. You will still need to drink the same amount of water that you normally drink, usually at least eight glasses of water. Green tea has natural properties that helps increase your body's metabolism and therefore burns more fat. You do need to drink a significant amount of green tea to achieve these benefits. Some say that ten cups a day is a better amount for fat loss and other health benefits. Ten cups a day is very difficult to drink, especially if you are still drinking an adequate amount of pure water and eating properly.

FILL UP - Drink green tea before meals and after meals to help you feel full. The green tea will help you to control your appetite and help you burn fat. Green tea is an excellent appetite suppressant. If you drink green tea before and after each meal, you will not eat too much. Of course, you should still eat healthy meals of vegetables, whole grains and low saturated fat meats. You can follow a green tea diet easily every day. A green tea diet is one of the easiest diets to follow.

PROTECT YOUR BODY - Give your body the extra antioxidant protection it needs from cancer and other diseases by drinking green tea. Many people that live the longest on earth drink green tea. The average resident of Japan drinks more than five cups of green tea per day. There are places in Japan that have the oldest living humans on earth and a much higher life expectancy than the rest of the world. Give yourself these excellent health and longevity benefits.

You can follow a Green Tea diet daily for weight loss and good health.

How to Recognize Pregnancy Symptoms Quickly

How to Recognize Pregnancy Symptoms Quickly

Pregnancy symptoms may not be that obvious.

You can recognize pregnancy symptoms quickly if you are aware that pregnancy may be a possibility. If you do not have a pregnancy mindset, you may overlook many of your pregnancy symptoms early on. You may even have some symptoms before you miss your first menstrual cycle.

NAUSEA - Recognize nausea symptoms. Nausea (feeling like you are going to vomit) may be an early symptom of pregnancy, but it also may be a symptom of an illness or food poisoning. Nausea alone is not a sure sign of pregnancy, but added to other symptoms, it can be a good indicator.

BLOATING - Feel your abdominal area. Does it feel like you are bloated? That bloated feeling is another minor symptom of pregnancy and it can occur before you have even missed your first period.

TENDER BREASTS - Experience breast tenderness and you will wonder if you are pregnant. There are very few reasons why breasts are tender, other than pregnancy.

AGITATION - Feeling agitated is another possible symptom of pregnancy. The pregnancy hormones can create different moods in women. If you are experiencing agitation or mood swings, you may want to check to see if you have some other signs of pregnancy.

MISSED PERIOD - Miss your period and you have a sure sign of pregnancy. A missed menstrual cycle is a sign of pregnancy but not a sure sign. Your period could be late, or their could be another reason why you are not having your period. Buy a home pregnancy test to be sure. The home pregnancy tests are very accurate. Follow the instructions for the most accurate results.
You will recognize pregnancy symptoms quickly if you know what to look for.
