Friday, November 13, 2009

How to Lose Weight Under Hypnosis

How to Lose Weight Under Hypnosis

Lose weight quickly and easily by controlling your mind.

Knowing how to lose weight under hypnosis will help you to lose the weight that you have not been able to lose in other ways. Self hypnosis is simple and easy to do. It is not dangerous and you can do it alone in the privacy of your own home.

RELAX - Lay down in a comfortable position with your head on a pillow or slightly elevated. To lose weight under hypnosis, you will need to be hypnotized which you can do easily yourself.
Close your eyes and tell yourself that each part of your body will be relaxed. Start with your toes and relax each part of your body until you have reached your head and then relax your head.

DEEP TRANCE - Put yourself in a deep trance by telling yourself that you will count to ten while imagining yourself walk down steps. When you reach the bottom step you will be in a deep trance.
Picture the steps in your head and slowly walk down the stairs, imagining each step as you go. Count down to ten until you have reached the bottom step.

MANTRA - Tell yourself a mantra once you have reached the bottom of the stairs and you are in a deep trance. Your mantra may be something like "I will not eat after I am full" or "I will only eat healthy foods" or possibly "I will exercise every day. Tell yourself the mantra over and over again while you are in a deep trance. Do not let other things come into your mind, just focus on your mantra. Knowing how to lose weight under hypnosis will give your metabolism the boost it needs for you to burn more calories and lose weight.

COME OUT OF THE TRANCE - Slowly walk back up the stairs to the count of ten. When you reach the top of the stairs you will be out of the trance. Relax for awhile before you get up.
If you need more information, please look in the Resources section below. Knowing how to lose weight under hypnosis will help you to lose the weight that you want to lose.

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