Thursday, April 30, 2009

How To Recognize The Mexican Swine Flu Side Effects

All Americans need to know the Mexican Swine Flu Side Effects. This deadly virus is spreading quickly. Over 300 schools were closed today in Texas for two weeks because of the Mexican Swine Flu.

The first thing that you need to recognize is a spike in fever. A fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit is enough to be the Mexican Swine Flu. I know that it does not seem like a very high fever but it is one of the first symptoms that you will notice.

Other symptoms of the Mexican Swine Flu include: headache, achy joints, general fatigue and cough. If you have a combination of more than two of these symptoms you should see a doctor.

Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue and throw the tissue away. This is a deadly virus. Your immune system may be able to handle it but the immune system of others may not.

Wash your hands often and avoid high risk areas such as places were you may come in contact with pigs, farms and petting zoos. Also avoid people that have recently traveled to Mexico. Try to avoid plane travel if you can because the air is re circulated in the cabin.

If you notice the Mexican Swine Flu side effects, go see a doctor immediately.

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