Monday, April 5, 2010

How to Identify Skin Cancer

No matter what your skin color it is important for everyone to know how to identify skin cancer. Skin cancer affects people of all shades of color, although people with fair skin are at greater risk, more people with darker skin die of Melanoma because they do not catch it in time. Learn the ABCDE's of identifying skin cancer today.

Check all of the places on your body that you do not look at normally with a mirror or have someone help you look. Be sure to check the bottom of your feet, the top of your head and everywhere in between.

If you find anything suspicious, see a doctor or dermatologist as soon as possible. Have your doctor look over your body thoroughly every year at your physical.

A Stands For Asymmetry

Look at the mole or freckle on your skin to determine if it is asymmetric. Both sides of the mole or freckle should be the same. If one side does not mirror the other side, it is a suspicious mole.
Most people do not get new moles as adults. Moles should look the same on both sides. Imagine drawing a line down the center of the mole or freckle. Do both sides look the same? If they do, it is benign, if they don't it could be cancerous.

B Stands For Border

Check your moles borders. Uneven borders can be a sign of Melanoma. If borders look jagged or irregular have them looked at as soon as possible by a dermatologist.

C Stands For Color

Check the color of your moles. Moles may be tan, red, black, brown or pink. They should be one solid color.

If a mole is mix of color it is abnormal and should be checked by a dermatologist. Even if it is light in one area and dark in another area it should be checked by a dermatologist.

D Stands For Diameter

Check your moles for their size. A normal mole is smaller than the tip of a pencil eraser or 6mm.
Any moles bigger than the tip of a pencil eraser should be checked by a dermatologist because it could be Melanoma skin cancer.

E Stands For Elevation

Check your moles for elevated skin. If your mole is bumpy, raised or looks elevated you should have it checked by a dermatologist or doctor.

Moles that change or itch should also be looked at by a doctor or dermatologist.

Check your body as often as possible or at least once a year. If you do have skin cancer and you catch it quickly, you can have it removed. Doctors will normally remove moles that look precancerous.

1 comment:

  1. Skin cancer is very harmful. The main reason being continuous exposure to the sun. There are sun burns caused due to regular exposure of UV rays. There are different types of skin cancer named basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. To know more about the causes and types in detail refer what causes skin cancer

